Interim Cleaning

In vacation homes sometimes guests are staying for a longer period than 3 to 7 days actual vacation times. These stays could be from 2 weeks, 2 months, or even more.
On occasion people just want to rent a transitional habitat while their home is being built, or they are looking for a home to purchase on their own. Here in Florida, in the Winter times we often have, what we call “Snow-birds”, mostly elderly people escaping the harsh Winters of the North.
Those homeowners, who are providing these types of rentals, once the longer stays are over, will continue to short term rentals.
Therefore, keeping up with the cleanliness and maintenance of the homes during longer stays is essential, and helpful.
While most guests do clean after themselves, they will not take care of everything as we, professional cleaners at Green Solutions Cleaning Services perform the tasks.
It is ideal to provide interim cleanings, which allow us to prevent hard water build-up, remove grease from kitchen surfaces, stoves and ovens, and overall maintain a healthy environment.
In addition, retaining the HVAC system filters, unclogging tubs and sinks, changing light bulbs, even pressure wash, and carpet cleanings are just a few items that would be helpful to everyone.
Interim cleanings can also be personalized to each needs.